Low water pressure is a major disappointment. It makes it difficult to rinse the shampoo out of your hair, effectively do the dishes, and wash your hands in a timely manner. Yet, many people simply think they just have to live with it. Instead, you should call your Houston residential plumber for help.
Low water pressure isn’t just inconvenient, it’s often a symptom of a larger problem with your plumbing system. Therefore, your plumber can identify the issue and fix it in most cases to boost the pressure and prevent more serious damage over time.
In this article, we’ll go over some of the common causes of low water pressure in your home and how our team of expert plumbers can help resolve the issue.
Low Water Pressure? Don’t Just Deal With It – Call Your Houston Residential Plumber
Low water pressure isn’t normal and shouldn’t be something you simply tolerate. For one, it’s just really not fun to have a bad water pressure in the shower or at the sink. However, it might be a symptom of a deeper problem that could end up costing you in plumbing and home damage if ignored. That’s why it’s important to call your Houston plumbing company for help any time you have low water pressure, particularly if it’s a sudden change.
An experienced plumber can help diagnose what’s causing the low water pressure and repair the issue responsible for it. This should restore normal water pressure and prevent further issues for your home’s plumbing system.
The first step is usually to confirm what kind of water pressure you have in your home. Your Houston residential plumber will typically start with water pressure readings to get an idea of how much pressure you’re dealing with.
Just as an FYI, normal water pressure is usually between 45 and 79 psi, with 60 psi being a good reading. If you have 80 psi or higher, then it’s too high and could damage your plumbing and fixtures. Anything under 45 psi is low, with 30 psi being extremely low.
Common Causes of Low Water Pressure Your Houston Residential Plumber can Fix
There are a number of potential causes of low water pressure you might be dealing with. The good news is that your Houston residential plumber can help with any of these issues to restore normal water pressure. There are also a few things you can check on your own easily.
Here are some common reasons you might have low water pressure in your house:
Closed Water Meter Valve
In some cases, it may simply be that the water meter valve is partially closed. As you may have guessed, this is a valve that shuts water off at the meter itself. It’s usually used when your water meter needs service.
It may be that your water meter was recently serviced and the technician simply didn’t open the valve all the way. This would restrict the amount of water that flows through your pipes and lead to lower water pressure than usual. Generally, all you will need to do is fully open the valve to normalize water pressure.
However, it could be that the valve is somehow broken or seized, which caused it to only open partially. In these cases, you may need your Houston residential plumber to replace the malfunctioning valve.
Closed Water Main Shutoff Valve
The water meter valve isn’t the only one you need to worry about. Many homes also have an additional water main shutoff valve, which shuts off all the water to your home in case of an emergency, like if your pipes are leaking.
Once again, you can try simply opening the valve to fix the low water pressure in your home. However, if it’s damaged in some way, then you may need water shutoff valve replacement. This will help you get normal water pressure again and also help prevent issues from an inoperable main water shutoff in case you need to use it.
Your Houston Residential Plumber Can Detect Buildup Inside Your Pipes
Sometimes, poor water pressure in your home can be due to a buildup in the pipes that basically makes the interior of your pipes narrower. The most common culprit for this is actually natural mineral and sediment buildup that comes from the municipal supply.
Our water naturally contains minerals like calcium that can adhere to a variety of surfaces, including the interior of your pipe walls. Over time, it may collect and narrow the pipes or even cause blockages. This lets less water through the plumbing system and can cause low water pressure.
In some cases, it may be that we simply need to clear the pipe of the buildup. However, frequently we need to actually replace the affected pipes because hard minerals and sediment buildup can be incredibly stubborn, making removal much harder and more expensive.
Pipe Corrosion May Cause Low Water Pressure
Similar to mineral buildup inside the pipe, pipe corrosion can also lead to low water pressures. This is because corrosion frequently narrows the inside of the pipes. Corrosion typically occurs in galvanized steel pipes, which builders used widely between the 1930s and 1980s and last about 50 years or so before they start to corrode.
In these cases, your Houston residential plumber will need to replace the corroded pipes with newer options that last longer and are less likely to corrode. If your home has galvanized pipes, then you may want to consider total repiping instead of just replacing the one pipe, as the others are bound to corrode eventually as well.
You May Need Leak Detection from Your Houston Residential Plumber
Leaks are another common cause of low water pressure in homes. Leaks mean less water makes it to the fixture, but it may be dripping into the interior of your walls, causing unseen damage.
If you’re dealing with low water pressure, your Houston residential plumber may recommend a leak detection test. This involves using hydrostatic pressure to see if a leak might be present. If we find a leak, our team will quickly repair it to prevent continued low pressure as well as damage to your home and high water costs..
Your Houston Residential Plumber May Need to Replace the Pressure Regulator
As we mentioned earlier, there are times when you might have too much water pressure from the municipal supply. If this is the case, then you likely have a pressure regulator for your home’s plumbing to prevent damage and injury.
However, pressure regulating plumbing valves may cause low water pressure when they fail. Your plumber will check to make sure it’s on the right setting first. Otherwise, we likely need to replace the valve.
For Issues with the Municipal Water Pressure, Ask Your Houston Plumbing Company if a Booster System will Help
In some cases, it may be the city’s supply that is causing the issue. Check with your neighbors to see if they’re also experiencing low water pressure. From there, you can call the water company to see if they’re doing work and when you can expect better water pressure for your home.
However, if low water pressure is a long-term or permanent issue for your home due to the municipal supply, then you may want to consider a booster system. These systems take the water supplied to your home and increase the pressure to normal levels for your home.
Santhoff Plumbing Company: 24 Hr. Plumber in Houston
When you need a 24 hr. plumber in Houston, choose our team at Santhoff. We are always available to help you with your plumbing needs, whether you’re dealing with low water pressures, a leak, or need a consultation for a plumbing remodel. We offer decades of experience and are committed to your complete satisfaction. Contact us now to request plumbing services for your home!