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Know the Skill Level of Your Houston Plumber

Know the Skill Level of Your Houston PlumberChoosing the right plumbing professional can ensure the best results for projects ranging from Houston water heater repair to a complete replacement of your pipes and fixtures. Plumbers are classified as apprentice, tradesman, journeyman or master plumbers depending on their training and level of experience. Understanding what level of expertise is required for your project can help you manage costs and ensure the best outcomes for all your plumbing needs. Here is a quick overview of the various professional levels attainable by plumbers in the state of Texas.


Apprentices are in the first stage of their training. During this phase, they work alongside a master plumber to learn the basics of the plumbing trade. Apprenticeships typically last from two to six years and includes at least 48 hours educational training at a vocational school or other formal setting. Apprentices must be at least 16 years old at the start of their training. Apprentice plumbers are not licensed but must register with the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners before beginning their apprenticeship.

Tradesman – Limited

Texas allows for an intermediary stage between apprentice status and licensing as a journeyman plumber. A Tradesman Plumber – Limited license does not permit independent practice as an unsupervised Houston plumber but may realize higher pay rates during the training process.


Journeyman plumbers must have a valid high school diploma or GED and at least 8,000 hours of experience as an apprentice or Tradesman Plumber – Limited before applying for a Journeyman Plumber License. Applicants must also pass an examination that includes a written test of knowledge and a practical section that requires the aspiring plumber to design a working system for a two-story building and to demonstrate their skills in a hands-on plumbing environment. Successful achievement of a Journeyman Plumber’s license allows plumbers to start their own independent practice and provides assurance for customers that these individuals have the qualifications needed to perform Houston toilet repair, pipe replacements and other basic plumbing tasks. Some complex plumbing jobs will still require the supervision and oversight of a master plumber.

Master Plumber

To become a master plumber in the state of Texas, applicants must have a valid Journeyman Plumber license that has been in force for at least one year. They must then pass a comprehensive examination offered by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners that includes both theoretical knowledge and practical application of the skills needed in this field.

At Santhoff Plumbing, our master plumbers can provide you with the most effective services for all your residential and commercial needs. We have the qualifications and the know-how you need to ensure that your job is done right the first time. Call us today at 713-665-4997 to schedule a service appointment with us. We look forward to the chance to serve you.